Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Just Keep Moving

                  Yesterday as I was driving to class, I was stuck in horrible back to back traffic. There's always traffic on the way to class, but it's never this bad. I thought maybe a lane was closed or that there was roadwork being done. Neither of these were true. There was just two cars and a police car with its sirens on, on the right shoulder. Of course, people had to slow down to look at what was going on. And others had to slow down because they saw a police car. I'm not sure that many people know that going below 40 miles per hour is also illegal. The cars were not even damaged. If it was an accident, it wasn't noticeable. I only was able to see that because of how slow the cars in front of me were moving. I don't get why people need to always look at what is going on. They need to stop slowing down the traffic for people who need to get somewhere and move along.


1. Yesterday - The day before today.
2. Stuck - Caught or held in a position so that you cannot move.
3. Traffic - When there are too many cars on the road and they are either moving slowly or not at all.
4. Sirens - Lights and sounds on top of police cars that they use to warn people or to pull them over.
5. Illegal - Not allowed by law.
6. Accident - A sudden event, like a car crash, that can result in damage, injury, or death.

Vocabulary Exercise

Find the words on the right and circle or highlight them.


Grammar Point
 Write down all the nouns used in this paragraph. (Noun - person, place, thing, or idea)


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Learning Spanish

          When I was in 5th grade I had to chose what language to take in 6th grade. I had a choice between three languages, Spanish, Italian, and French. I wanted to take French but I was told by my Mom that Spanish would be a better asset, since there are more Spanish speakers in the United States. French ended up being canceled anyway because not enough students wanted to take it. I started learning Spanish in 6th grade. Before school started I was so worried that I would be lost in this class and fail every test, but it ended up being the exact opposite. I loved every second of it and even spoke it at home when I could. Then when I was 15, I started working at a dry cleaners where I met some El Salvadorians who spoke very little English. I helped them practice their English and they helped me practice my Spanish. I continued Spanish all throughout high school. I started college as a Math education major. I decided to switch for a couple of reasons. My math classes were extremely hard unlike in high school. I was tutoring a girl in math and she just did not understand no matter what I did. Then when I tutored someone in Spanish, I knew it was what I wanted to do. I switched my major and enjoyed every class I took leading to my degree. Then I studied abroad in Spain and increased my ability to understand and speak Spanish even more. Who knew that the class I was so nervous to take would end up leading to my future career.


Fail -  To not pass the class

Opposite- A person or thing that is as different as possible from someone or something else

Practice- To do an activity often in order to improve your skill.

Switch- To change from doing or using one thing to doing or using another

Nervous- Worried or scared about something, unable to relax

Career- A job you have been trained for and do for a long period of time 

Vocabulary Cloze Exercise - 

1. My sister had a big room and wanted a smaller one. I had a small room and wanted a bigger one. We decided to _________________ rooms. 

2. Light is the _________________ of dark.  

3. Each student had to present their project in front of the class. When my turn came up I was so ________________.

4. My teacher told me that I would __________________ the test if I did not study. 

5. I had to ________________ soccer every day to prepare for the try outs. 

6. I went to Medical School because I want to have a ______________ as doctor. 

Grammar Point 
Write down all the past tense verbs used in this paragraph. 

Grammar Exercise

Take 6 of the past tense verbs and write a sentence for each using them in the present tense.