Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Are reality shows really reality?

Reality shows seem to be taking over. They are very popular for a wide range of age groups. MTV known as MUSIC TV, even though it doesn’t seem to play music anymore, airs many reality shows. Some examples are The Jersey Shore, 16 and pregnant, and Teen Mom. There are also other reality shows on other channels such as Mobwives, Toddlers in Tiaras, and Honey Boo Boo, plus many more. Are these shows really reality? Majority of these kinds of shows are based on fighting, alcohol, and money, which is reality but not the way they advertise it. These kinds of reality shows today seem to be a bad influence on people, especially teenagers. TV shows already take people away from reality, but now these shows can make people think it is reality. One of the most popular shows called “The Jersey Shore”; a show I even watch has had many teenagers believing life is all about partying. Yes these stars also work at a shirt store, but they mainly party and get paid for it. The shows “16 and pregnant” and “Teen Mom” advertise pregnant teens and teen moms. They do show the hardships of being pregnant and a Mom at such a young age but they also can be influencing many young teenagers to get pregnant because then they can be on a TV show. Also some teenagers may look up to these girls and want to be like them. “Mobwives” is just a bunch of 40 and 50 year old women living rich lives while partying and fighting. Unless you are rich like them and do not work no one will live a life like that at that age. It in a way advertizes that women don’t have to work, that men make all the money, and the women just have fun. It’s pathetic watching women at that age act worse than the 20 year olds on The Jersey Shore.  “Toddlers in Tiaras” is about spoiled girls who get what they want and if they don’t, they throw a tantrum. Some of these young girls dress and act like teenagers at three years old. I am not saying all reality shows are bad, but most of them today should not be labeled reality TV. Of course most of this is my opinion but I am sure many people agree, even if they do watch them. There are some reality shows that do not fit under this category, like “American Idol,” “Dancing with the Stars,” and “Pawn Stars,” and “Tanked.” These reality shows are either contests or are somewhat educational, with little drama.

Reality – Something that is true, a part of real life. 
Popular – Liked by many
Advertise – To show to the public, to call attention to
Influence – To change or create someone’s views or actions
Teenagers- Anybody that is under the age group of 13-19
Tantrum- A fit of bad temper

Vocabulary Cloze Exercise
1.     The book “Harry Potter” is fictional where as the book “Accept the Challenge” is based on __________________.
2.     It is known that many ______________ would rather spend time with their friends instead of their parents.
3.     My sister threw a ______________ when she found out that our family was not going on vacation this summer.
4.     Many parents believe that video games are a bad ________________ for their children.
5.     The Yankees are liked by many even by people who live outside of New York. They are very _______________.
6.     Commercials ______________ products, food, movies, and places to go.

Grammar Point
The verb “To Be” is used many times throughout this paragraph. How many times is it used? Is it ever used in the past tense? If so, write down those sentences that use it.


  1. I completely agree with you in a sense that "reality tv" is somewhat scripted....At the beginning you get a sense for these people and how they live their daily lives, but after a while it gets rediculous!
    I love that HOney boo boo show ! it is quite entertaining..

  2. Yes, I have read that reality TV is scripted because it would be too boring if it weren't. I like "Dancing with the Stars," "Pawn Stars," and the various Alaskan survival shows. Otherwise, I prefer fiction and escape from reality.
